Lennon Douglas Hunt

My sweet loving grandson Lennon got his Angel Wings Sept. 4th! He was just 5 years old, battled cancer and ALD. I couldn't of asked for a better grandson, he filled my life with such joy, always had a smile on his face. He loved people and animals. We have a wonderful Facebook Page on him,if you just click in Lennon's Supporters,then click that you like his page and leave a comment,that would be so glad for his mom, Amanda.
You can read about his short awesome life and what cancer took from him. We loved him so much and will miss him but I couldn't turn him over to a better person-Jesus Christ to take care of him.
Mommy(Amanda) and Lennon,they had a bond that was very strong,this is her only child she has and she gave him her all and vise versus.

Sleeping with his Kitty Emmie

Even ill a smile upon his face

A wonderful sweet boy

Proud Grandma with her Lennon.

Our Hero Lennon, a loving little boy,who was so full of love and courage!

I thank so many of you who have asked about him,prayed for him, and sent him cards. We do have a donation you can give for my daughter(only if u want to) but do please go leave a message,they mean so much to us.
To you sweet Lennon you will always be in our hearts forever! Love you much!You Live in our Hearts forever! I am so thankful that you came into our lives even if it was for such a short time.

Our Lennon will not be forgotten,he is flying high, flying free and we are glad he no longer has to battle cancer.